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안녕! (annyeong)

I'm Kenzie, and as I've studied Korean over the years, I've noticed that many of my friends, family, and colleagues lack exposure to East Asian art and culture. It's not that they're not interested, it's just that barriers of language and distance often make anything 'non-western' seem inaccessible. After finishing my undergrad in art history and Korean, I had the incredible privilege of completing a master's degree in Korean Studies at the University of Oxford. There, I learned the art of translation, and came to love it for the tricky trade that it is. I realized that by sharing my translations, I can help bridge some of the gaps that seem to wedge themselves between 'east' and 'west,' and decided to start this blog. Its title comes from the Chinese character for 'literature' or 'writing:' æ–‡ (pronounced: moon). Although I am a bit of a novice, I plan to do my best to provide excellent content here, and hope that somehow I can do at least a little bit of justice to Korean poetry, prose, and art.

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